1.Be grateful. 要学会感恩
Slow down, look around you, and pay attention to the little details in your life-the delicate purple flower on the sidewalk, the beautiful sunset, the hot shower that washes away your long day, and the smile in your partner's eyes…
When you have a grateful heart that is appreciative of life's beautify, wonder and blessings, you're automatically filled with happiness.
2.Choose your friends wisely. 明智的选择自己的朋友
According to Harvard, the most important external factors affecting individual happiness are human relationships. So if you want to be happy, choose to be around people who are optimistic, who appreciate you as you are, and who can make your life richer, bigger, more fun, and more meaningful.
3.Cultivate compassion. 培养同情心
When we try to step into other people's shoes and understand a situation from another's perspective, we’re more likely to handle the situation with compassion, objectivity and effectiveness. There will be less conflicts and more happiness.
4.Keep learning. 不断学习
Learning keeps us young and dreams keep us alive. When we engage our brains and put them toward productive uses, we're less likely to dwell on unhappy thoughts and much more likely to feel happy and fulfilled.
5. Become a problem solver. 学会解决问题
Happy people are problem solvers. When they encounter a challenge in life, they don't beat themselves up and fall into a depressive state. Instead, they face up to the challenge and channel their energies toward finding creative a solution. By becoming a problem solver, you’ll build up your self-confidence and your ability to accomplish whatever it is you set your mind to-and whatever challenges life throws your way.
6.Do what you love. 做你想做的事情
Since we spend over one-third of our adult life working, loving what we do has a huge impact on our overall happiness. If this is not possible at the moment, then try to find enjoyment and meaning in your current work, or cultivate a hobby that involves doing something you love.
7.Live in the present. 活在当下
When you feel depressed, you're living in the past. When you feel worried or anxious, you're living in the future. But when you feel content, happy and peaceful, you're living in the present.
8.Laugh often. 要经常笑
Laughter is the most powerful anecdote to anger or depression. Research has shown that the simple act of curving the corners of your mouth can increase your feeling of happiness. So don't take life too seriously. Try to find humor and laughter in life's everyday struggles.笑是对抗生气或沮丧最有力的的东西。研究表明简单的嘴巴上扬也可以增加你的幸福感。不要把生活看的太严肃。要学会在每日的奋斗中寻找幽默感和笑声。
9.Practice forgiveness.学会原谅
Resentment and anger are forms of self-punishment. When you forgive, you're actually practicing kindness to yourself. And most importantly, learn to forgive yourself. Everyone makes mistakes. It's through our mistakes that we learn and grow to become a bigger and better person.
10.Say thanks often. 要经常说谢谢
Always be appreciative of the blessings in your life. And it's equally important to express your appreciation to those who've made your life better in some way, big or small.
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